Team Germany

As any team, originally the team started with a core of players from a single german club (Miniparadice) together with a few other players who where interested in still playing 2nd edition a month after 3rd edition release and travelling to Milano during Covid.

Team goal for 2025

We always set ourselves more than just one goal.

  1. Have fun and represent our country in the best way possible

  2. defend our top 10 (8th place) result from last year

  3. Get into top 5

  4. First place!

  5. Win best sports

Bonus: Win best dressed again

Team Members

Aos Worlds 2025:

  • Captain: [Name]

  • Coach: [Name]

  • Assistant: [Name]

  • Player 1: [Name]

  • Player 2: [Name]

  • Player 3: [Name]

  • Player 4: [Name]

  • Player 5: [Name]

  • Player 6: [Name]

  • Player 7: [Name]

  • Player 8: [Name]

  • Reserve player: [Name]

Previous members:

  • Tobias Schwarz

  • Colin Klären

  • Daniel Pommer

  • Tristan Paffenholz

  • Dario Grohmann

  • Bastian Gerstner

  • Daniel Brinkert

  • Lukas Wagner

  • Manuel Koch

  • Matthias Brinkert

  • Patrick Koch

best experience at worlds

  • Worlds 2021 the pizza place in a small village outside of Milano

  • Worlds 2022 when we went for food and drinks with the Scottish and chat about our lists, only to draw them as our opponents morning the next day.

  • Worlds 2023 when one of our players (Tristan) and one of the Scottish players invented a new Battleplan (Nidus of Idols) by mixing up deployment zones and scoring/special rules.

  • Worlds 2024 finally playing against USA for the first time and having a nailbiting & very close, but extremely fun round.

Message to the fans

"German Warhammer on the rise!" - tSN
a quote that certainly is fitting for the german scene in general but also for the top level of competetive play.
"One team, one dream"
The motto we have grown to love over the last years.
These two quotes should tell you everything we are standing for and for what we are aiming to do.
We are extremely happy for any kind of support no matter which area or country. Even if its just following any of our channels and cheering us on from home.
A special thank you of course to all the supporters who help the team internally and externally by putting in the work and spreading the word. The team wouldn`t be able to function the same way without these people.

Contact Us

AoS Worlds Participation History

  • AoS Worlds 2024 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 8th place

  • AoS Worlds 2023 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 14th place

  • AoS Worlds 2022 - Prague, Czech Republic - 12th place

  • AoS Worlds 2021 - Milan, Italy - 11th place

Team achievements




