Team poland

Team Poland is ever-changing and evolving creature. We are one of the biggest in terms of population country in Europe and there are many people interested in getting into the team. Every year the team is different.

Team goal for 2025

We are mostly focused on building a strong foundation as community to grow and get better in the game in all aspects of it whether those are game strategies or sportsmanship. We believe it will lead itself into winning Worlds eventually.

Team Members

Aos Worlds 2025:

Previous members:

  • Tomasz Mucha

  • Mateusz Eljasz

  • Kuba Kostrubiec

  • Łukasz Gordon

  • Mateusz Kołakowski

  • Oskar Jeszke

  • Michał Pisarski

  • Mikołaj Erchard

  • Krzysztof Jezierski

  • Mariusz Dotka

best experience at worlds

There were two very special moments for us. First, was the support we got from the community after day 2 of the tournament when we were the only undefeated team left in the tournament. People were very congratulatory, approaching us in the hotel corridors just to say they are rooting for us and how hyped they are. It was very nice to experience so much love in a competitive environment.
Second, would definitely be being called out during prize ceremony to pick up the Best Sportsmanship Award, that was the best! Especially after our disappointing performance day 3.

Message to the fans

Ultimately it's the community that makes us come back every year and be so hyped about the tournament. If you're reading it - keep being awesome!

Contact Us

Social Media:

AoS Worlds Participation History

  • AoS Worlds 2024 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 10th place

  • AoS Worlds 2023 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 9th place

  • AoS Worlds 2022 - Prague, Czech Republic - 5th place

  • AoS Worlds 2019 - ETC Novi-Sad, Serbia - 5th place

Team achievements




